* Technology Affecting Human Resources Management
Technological advancements have improved the ways we communicate, revolutionized how we learn, and expanded our capabilities. Whether it is the invention of a new machine, moderations to an existing one, or the discovery of a new application for an existing technology, the field is forever growing and expanding. In the early stages, it may seem like more of a hassle than it's worth to keep up with these changing trends. It always proves worthwhile in the end, however, as new technologies bring both increased proficiency and productivity.
As increased proficiency and productivity are main goals of any human resources personnel, it's no wonder technological advancements are continually being embraced in this field where the mission is always to do more with less. In order to make the most of their highly protracted time, workers in HR are using technologies such as computer-assisted interviewing and employee self-service, as well as a variety of other technological tools, to make the most out of their time--time that's already scarce.
Computer-Assisted Interviewing: Helpful or Harmful?
Traditionally, the interviewing process has been managed and conducted solely by human interviewers from start to finish. With lengthy piles of applications, resumes, and the like to sort through, the process has always required a great deal of
Cited: Flynn, Gillian. "Privacy In An Age Of Online Record-Keeping." Workforce August 2001: pp. 72-73 LeTart, Jim. "Technology Frees HR 's Time For Strategy." HR Magazine December 1997: pp. 32-37 Morfield, Christina. (July 2000). Employee Self-Service Applications. [Online] In Human Resources. Available: http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/human_resources/42792 [2001, Nov 1] Thornsburg, Linda. "Computer-Assisted Interviewing Shortens Hiring Cycle." HR Magazine February 1998: pp. 73-79 TRI-AD. (October 1999). Paperless Human Resources. [Online] In Articles and News. Available: http://www.tri-ad.com/articles-news/paperles.html [2001, Oct 26]