Technology means the systematic application of scientific or other organized knowledge to practical tasks. Its most important consequence, at least for the purpose of economics ,is in forcing the and subdivision of any such task into its components parts.(Galbraith,1974,p.31) Technology is one of the most important factor in human life. It would be very difficult life without all these facilities. It becomes part of human lives. It has played very important role in all aspect of life and one of them is civilization. Technology is one of the driving forces behind civilization. It was technology that help to advance agricultural and grow houses. People were living in caves and using animals skins to protect themselves from weather. There was no proper irrigation system and agricultural was not developed.
The earliest civilization did not arise in fertile rain watered lands in the temperature zone. Instead ,they began in dry or desert regions where water came from a river, a lake ,or a swamp. Farmers who grew corps on the very banks of the river or the shores of the lake or swamp were always at the mercy of devastating floods or droughts. when they succeeded in controlling water, however ,the results were spectacular. The place where the first civilization arose was Iraq, a land the Greeks called Mesopotamia, the “land between the rivers” Tigris and Euphrates .The valley has good alluvial soil but is difficult but if difficult to farm. It is very hot and dry in the summer and cold and dry in the winter. Although little rain reached the valley, in spring water rushes down the from mountains to the east and north when the snows melt.
The river carry a great deal of silt that gradually raises them above the surrounding plains until they overflow their banks in devastating floods. All the peoples of the region told legends of the flood, most famously the Hebrew story of Noah’s Ark told in the Bible(Genesis5-9)
References: Daniel R.headrick :”Technology a world History” Heard, J. D., & Hein, G. E. (1920). THE ROLE OF THE ELECTROCARDIOGRAM IN PROGNOSIS: A STUDY LIMITED TO HEARTS UNDER SINUS CONTROL AND CONTRACTING AT AN APPROXIMATELY NORMAL RATE. (). Philadelphia: American Periodicals Series II. Retrieved from Chen, S., & Fu, Y. (2009). INTERNET USE AND ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT: GENDER DIFFERENCES IN EARLY ADOLESCENCE. Adolescence, 44(176), 797-812. Retrieved from Martin van Creveld:” War and Technology”, Vol. 12, No. 25. October 2007