It is very easy to harass the other significant other through social media.
Which I find as a negative with teens using social media as a way to find a partner. It is considered socially unacceptable to send them a message on social media to break up with a partner. The biggest thing I took away from this section of the article was that good things can come from online relationships such as dating or flirting, but the break ups using the online social media can cause bigger problems. All in all the articles all share that there is a lot of risks when using the internet in everyday life and the
The connection that I made between “Teens, Technology and Romantic Relationships” and the other two articles I wrote was that. Technology can be a good resource, but if used to a negative extent, it could be harmful. For example, if you are using social media to find a romantic partner it can be positive, but if the partner breaks up over social media it can be negative. Or another example could be that schools use technology for parents to see students grade, but students could find inappropriate content on the internet while using it at school if sites are not blocked.
I feel reading all these articles will help me become a better teacher by knowing that I need to express to my students that the internet is a great tool in the classroom and in everyday life, but if used out of context it can be harmful to them and others around them. I can now do my best to teach them how to use the internet in a safe manner. If they have problems I can determine how to handle the situation appropriately. As a teacher I will try my best to educate them on using the internet safely.