If someone was to say the word “future” to most children, they would think flying cars, aluminum clothes, huge mirrored buildings, and talking robots. For generations, people have pictured the future to be some miraculous, world changing experience. With T.V shows like The Jetsons and Futurama putting crazy ideas into American heads about the future, America as a society has played up how the “future” was going to look. Nobody today wears aluminum suits or has flying cars however; we are now in the future – we live in a world full of modern technology. Things like computers, hybrid cars, trips to outer space, and hand held devices that children today seem to be addicted to all make up this world. How did the world become so advanced? The answer is, good schooling, core fundamentals, and care and compassion from the educators. Just because Americans live in a technologically advanced world does not mean that Americas’ education needs to be revised. In an ever changing country, it would be safe to say that within the next fifty years America will see another change in technology such as vehicles and even simple devices like cell phones. Living in such a fast pace world creates the need to understand that when it comes to education, children yesterday, today, and tomorrow, will need to be taught the basics – core fundamentals such as reading, writing, spelling, and mathematics are still necessary. Furthermore, schools should encourage teachers to use technology sparingly and focus on traditional teaching methods for core learning. The main points that need to be addressed are: technology taking away from core learning principles, the cost of technology, and the roles of the teacher.
Technology, like that of a computer, takes away from the core learning principles—writing, math, and spelling. There is a correlation between students’ learning ability and when the student uses pen and paper to learn.
Bibliography: Besser, Eli, Crystal Riesgo, Christopher Harris, and Carolina Alonzo. “The Pros and Cons of Technology in the Classroom.” Power Point of Technology in the Classroom (2012): PPT file. Perceptions.” Journal of Education Technology and Society 5.1 (2002). Ifets. Web. 28 Jan. 2013.