The rapid change, and consistent pace of change in technology we see today, is creating both opportunities and challenges. These opportunities allow us to have a great range of access to a wealth of multimedia content, being able to take online courses, accessing the internet from a variety of devices, social networking tools for professional development, and learning. This also poses a great challenge in our schools. It can get very difficult for schools to keep up with the new technology that is constantly emerging day by day. Different cultures, and people are experiencing their own difficulties with a change from what they are accustomed to doing, to a whole new way of accomplishing it. There will always be debate, or conflict whether we should embrace technology or stick to what we are accustomed to doing.
Schools are struggling to keep up with a tech world that is constantly changing. There are new learning styles, and different ways of teaching them to students. Some teachers believe including technology in the ways studies learn isn't practical. Those are the type of teachers who are afraid to make the jump, their way of teaching is with a textbook, and practically preaching the subject to the students. Only 26% of students who read the material, find the information relevant to them. A way of changing this may be through online courses as more are being offered in colleges, and many high schools have some type of learning academy online. A recent study between Kansas State students showed that after two years of going to college 45% of students showed no significant improvement, and only 36% showed little change after 4 years of college. That is indicative that something needs to change in the educational system. How we transition to including a technological aspect into education remains to be seen.
As humans we are beings who like to interact with each other, and what better way to do that