From my experiences, technologies affected my ability to read and other long narrative because it makes me thinks that the book is not exciting. From the textual evidence in “Technology is Dumbing Down our Society”, The quotes explain “ As the internet becomes our primary source of information, it is affecting our ability to read books and other long narratives. This process of rewiring our brains carries the danger of flattening human experience even as it offers the benefits of knowledge efficiency and immediacy,” wrote by Nicholas Carr. It is saying that when the internet suddenly become our new source of information and as we read some kind of information on the internet. It is affecting our ability to read because the light coming from the computer or laptop, it’s makes it …show more content…
harder for our eyes to read the information clearly by the bright light. When I was reading about an article on the internet to present a current event for my history class and write a summary about it. When I was getting up to present the article, as I was looking at my paper to read the summary it was difficult to read it out loud because my eyes started to become blurry and I lost track of where I was reading. This explains that using technology does have a negative effect on our daily life. Now I can not see any writing that is printed or handwritten on a paper clearly. Then, there is another aspect of why technology should not be used daily from my observation on my littler brother.
When I was observing my little brother, who is an eight year old, I see that he was doing bad at his school. Technology helps us and improving our lives so it can be easy for us. But the article by the author, “Fewer kids play outside due to video games, and they bring their portable video games to the playground. People go into a panic made if there is an hour long power outage, or if their phone battery dies, but maybe a long power outage is just what we need to remember how to do thing for ourselves.” My little brother does not go outside and play with his friends instead, he play video games on his DS inside the house. He became angry when the game suddenly turned off because there is no power. As he was playing video games, he didn’t do well in school such as cannot finish a class work or homework and gets in trouble with his teacher. When he was doing an simple math problem like 2 time 2, he complain a lot by saying I can’t do this or this is hard with just reading the problem. This shows that my little brother cannot do anything by himself but he always relied on people to help answer his homework. The author's argument about technology is that he or she say we should try to live off from technology and if we do not, it will dumb us down and he or she is afraid of the intellect of the future generation to come because we will be just relying on other people to help and when someone is faced with a difficult problem, he or she will not work out the problem.
From my personal experience and observation on a child using technology daily, I agree with the author point that technology diminishes our independence and intelligence.
When explaining why technology has a negative effect on our daily life by using my personal experiences. When I am observing my little brother that uses technology everyday. The author point about technology is it is not only improve our live but we are not controlling technology because it is takes away jobs, affect social skill, etc. Instead, It is controlling us and we will have a scary future if we keep relying on