
Technology Will Tear Us Apart

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Technology Will Tear Us Apart
In my opinion, the way I see this is that one day technology will indeed tear us apart. This is because we are too dependent on technology. 1“Feeling the need to be constantly connected and feeling anxious and depressed when away from electronic [devices],” could greatly impact negatively on humanity as future generations arise, because by then I believe technology will be at its peak. Inventers by then will probably have created robots that would do everything for us, and we won’t have to lift a finger, or create teleports that take us anywhere we want to go without lifting a foot out the door. All there will be left for us to do is eat and live an unhealthy life.
We are already seeing so many young children addicted to their computers and TV, which is not only ruining their lifestyle but also their education. There was actually a study that showed that 2“technology obsession hinders spelling skills, implicitly encourages plagiarism, and disrupts classroom learning. Despite school policies restricting mobile phone usage, students use the phone frequently, with the majority making calls from the toilets.” Children are so dependent on technology to do everything for them that it’s ruining their lives.
I also believe in what Paul Guilding has to say on TED. He talks about how 3“we as a people are so wrapped up in economic growth, so focused on the expansion of markets that we’ve ignored decades of warning signs foretelling our impending demise.” Basically we are so tied up with technology that we can’t see that it’s actually destroying us. With so much technology in our hands, we are increasing pollution, that is causing the climate to change, which is then cause a disruption in our food chain. As the years go by, we will have a hard time finding clean food and water. Technology is also destroying so much of our planet’s wild life and forests, for example, 4“a few centuries ago tropical forests covered 66 per cent of the world's surface ... today it has dropped to

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