This research proposes to examine the impact of new technologies on the operations of the Jamaica Constabulary Force’s Motorized Patrol Division
3.1 Research Design
Research will be gathered using both a qualitative and a quantitative approach; more specifically a questionnaire will be administered as a part of the quantitative approach; interviews and observations with be taken as a part of the qualitative approach. Officers stationed in JCF Mobile Operation Division would be the main persons to be interviews. Observations of this police operation will be done on a daily basis. The researchers believe this combined approach will yield the most reliable information.
3.2 Population & Sample
The population for this study comprises offers of the JCF Mobile Operations stationed in Area 5 (Kingston, St. Andrew and section of St. Thomas) These officers operate from the Traffic Division Headquarters located on Elliston Road and other police station including Half Way Tree, Cross Road, Morant Bay etc. There are approximately 200 officers stationed in the Area 5 Traffic Division. The desired sample size is 25% of the population or 50 officers. Officers on both the day and night shifts will be sampled.
To ensure a representative sample, a proportional random sampling technique will be utilized where 25% of officers from each section of the Area 5 Division will be selected; random observation will be requested of the police personnel on frontline duties. 50 questionnaires will be administered while 20 on duty officers will be observed.
3.3 Instruments
3.3.1 Questionnaire
` Data will be collected using a structured questionnaire (shown in Appendix 1). The questionnaire will seek to address the research questions as well as collect demographic information from the participants. The questionnaires will consist of both open and close ended