Cruz apparently aims to win the broad family oriented conservative voters. In Iowa Ted criticizes …show more content…
Accusing other Republican aspirants of phraseology Ted Cruz urges conservative and Republican voters to ask party leaders to stand against ‘Washington cartel.’ He said, "I think the question Republican primary voters should ask is, 'When have you stood up against the Washington cartel? When have you stood up against leaders in our own party?'"
Ted opines that the states should not acknowledge the gay-marriage ruling. He suggests them to ignore the law. In Pierson he said- "When they violate the constitutional amendment and the law, the American people can remove them," He added to his applause- "We are not governed by a judicial priesthood. We are not governed by judicial tyranny."
Ted Cruz, however, has made his stand clear against same-sex marriage law and declared it as the center of his campaign. Now, Time will say if all his rhetoric will ignite the conservative voters to unite under his banner or end up in