Name Tee
Reg Number C1112097k
Level 2;2
Course Bsapt
Lecturer DR CHIGU
Discuss the roles of bioremediation at a wastewater (sewage) treatment plant
Microorganisms are used to change harmful substances to nontoxic substances. This is a new technology for treating chemical spills and hazardous waste. Bacteria, fungi and yeast need nutrients (such as carbon, nitrogen, phosphate, and trace metals) to survive. They break down organic (carbon-containing) compounds found in nature to get energy for growth. For example, soil bacteria use petroleum hydrocarbons as a food and energy source changing them into harmless substances of carbon dioxide, water and fatty acids.Humans need a safe water supply and a safe method of sewage disposal. Therefore domestic wastewater by bioremediation is the use of environmentally friendly biotechnology organisms (natural treatment system) to degrade or absorp of pollutants that endanger human health and other organisms. The ability of these organisms are absorbed, outlines, save (deposit) and cell metabolism. It is expected that the pollutants in the domestic wastewater can be reduced or lost by plants and aquatic animals.
Basically the roles of bioremediation in wastewater treatment plant are as follows removal: there is removal of contaminants from the location by physical means without the need to separate from the host medium. Separation, a process that is explained as the removal of the contaminant from the host medium that is soil or water. Degradation is the one whereby contaminants are chemically or biologically destroyed or neutralized to produce less toxic compounds. Lastly containment is a process that immobilizes the surface and subsurface migration of the contaminants.
According to Joseph, 1995 the amount and activity of the population is increasing