CM 107
A. What Is Teen Substance Abuse?
B. Why Do Teens Abuse Drugs and Alcohol?
C. What Problems Can Teen Substance Abuse Cause?
D. What Are the Signs? II. PREVENTING TEEN SUBSTANCE ABUSE: A. How Can It Be Prevented? B. Is Treatment Needed? C. Why Are There So Many Different Treatment Programs?
III. DEALING WITH SUBSTANCE ABUSE: A. How Can Parents Tell If There Teen Is Abusing Alcohol or Drugs? B. How Can Parents Help Their Teen? IV. FACTS ABOUT TEEN DRUG AND ALCOHOL ABUSE: A. How Substance Use Affects Teens’ Health. B. What are Percentages of Substances in Teen Use? V. WHY TEENS ABUSE ALCOHOL AND DRUGS: A. Personal Risk Factors: 1. Family 2. Community B. Prevention Strategies
PART 2: In this part of the assignment, I will explain what I learned about Teen Alcohol and Drug Abuse. Teen substance and alcohol addiction affects many teens these days. Many teens try drugs, tobacco, and alcohol. Some teens try these drugs just a few times and stop. Some on the other hand continue to use them, which are called substance abuse. Here are some reasons teens try substances; peer pressure, it takes away some of the bad feelings they are dealing with, and they think it makes them look or feel like an adult. Teen substance abuse can cause many problems. Substance abuse can lead to having trouble in school, home issues, and problems with the police. There are many dangerous side effects of substance abuse. For instance, overdose, brain injuries just to name a few. Here are some signs your teen could have a substance abuse; if they are smoking marijuana they could have bloodshot eyes, less interest in school, grades are dropping, and they could even be skipping school. Parents might ask how I can prevent
Citations: 2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2008). Youth risk behavior surveillance—United States, 2005. MMWR, 55(SS04): 1–131. 3. Ammerman SD (2008). Tobacco. In LS Neinstein, et al., eds., Adolescent Health Care: A Practical Guide, 5th ed., pp. 888–907. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. Other Works Consulted * Bukstein OG (2009). Adolescent substance abuse. In BJ Sadock et al., eds., Kaplan and Sadock’s Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, 9th ed., vol. 2, pp. 3818–3834. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. * Griswold KS, et al. (2008). Adolescent substance use and abuse: Recognition and management. American Family Physician, 77(3): 331–336. * Hopfer C, Riggs P (2007) * Jenkins RR, Hoover A (2007). Substance abuse. In RM Kliegman et al., eds., Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 18th ed., pp. 824–834. Philadelphia: Saunders Elsevier. * Kaminer Y (2008) * Sadock BJ, et al. (2007). Adolescent substance abuse. In Kaplan and Sadock 's Synopsis of Psychiatry, Behavioral Sciences/Clinical Psychiatry, 10th ed., pp. 1294–1298. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. * Schuckit MA (2007)