We see so many tragedies on the news and in newspapers every day. Many of these tragedies happen from car accidents. So many horrible things can happen. Most car accidents occur from the very bad habits of drivers everywhere. One of the most common habits is speeding. People everywhere abuse the speed limits. This is not only dangerous for the driver but the passenger and other drivers as well. Another bad habit is distracted driving. This can go as far as texting while driving or playing with the radio, etc. I see people everyday get into car accidents because they were paying more attention to their phones or their passengers. Another thing I see everyday is a reckless driver. I have witnessed people trying to race other drivers. This is…
On August 21st 2015 Robert Grasby reported his 1998 Dodge Ram with a trailer attached was stolen. Mr Grasby stated there was no glass breakage and the only person he could think of that may have taken the tvehicle was Timothy Alan Rackley, an former employee. Mr. Grasby stted the Mr. Rackley knew where the spare key was hidden.…
Meet John. John is a good guy. Your average Joe. One day John gets in his car to go to work. He puts on his seatbelt like the government made him and starts driving. While John is driving over a bridge he sees a duck crossing the road. He veers to avoid it and crashes into the water. John's car is sinking. He struggles with his seat belt, but he can't get it off. He can't breathe. The next morning, John's car washes up on the beach. All his family and friends are very sad. Under seat belt laws this could be you.…
people’s cars if they parked on the side streets….” This shows the lack of safety present…
No good for loot-hiding—but we see one house with no lights on. Hmmm—should we ‘visit’ it? We decide ‘no’ and drove away. After some conversation, we decide to hide the loot in my garage underneath my ride mower. Lawn mowing season is still 2 months away: the stuff will be safe and I’ll check it every once-in-a-while.”…
When one neighbor’s car starts on its own, the mob is quick to question why his car works but theirs don’t. Another neighbor points out that she often sees the man standing out in his yard late at night, gazing up into the sky as if he were looking…
Your car keys may be lost or stolen just when you are about to travel for…
Victim parked their vehicle, a green 2003 Toyota Corrola, on the side of a Family Dollar in Fort Worth, Texas. Upon the victim's arrival, she went into the store, leaving her car on because she would only be a second and she did not want her car to get cold again since it was early January. While she was in the store, the suspects pulled into the parking lot next to the victim's vehicle. One suspect jumped in her vehicle and they both drove away. After the victim realized that her car was not in the parking lot, she called police to the scene to file a report.…
There are many different ways to communicate directly, talking, sign language, pictures and body language service users with ABI’s need to have choices displayed in front of them so they can fully comprehend the decisions they are going to make.…
The endless amount of bad driving habits lead to the severely high rates of car accidents every year. Nearly all causes of car accidents are while somone is breaking the law in some way or another. These driving laws are in place for a reason and there are almost always consequences for breaking them. Usually people have to pay high court fines or even serve jail time for breaking them. The majority of people continue to ignore them and are most likely going to end up in some sort of car accident for their bad judgement. Some of the worst driving habits include speeding, driving while tired, and texting; most of these lead to car accidents with fatalities.…
The early school morning of April 20, 1999 at Columbine High School seemed liked any other. That is, until Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold opened fire on fellow students at 11:19 a.m. The following hour resulted in one of the first major mass shootings in the U.S., leaving twelve students and one teacher dead, as well as 21 injured. This horrifying shooting sparked the beginning of a long and grueling debate on gun control. Should civilians be able to buy automatic weapons? What about high-capacity ammunition clips? Are guns helpful at all? Such questions have arisen after every new account of a shooting, which seem to occur quite often based on their prevalent coverage on mainstream media outlets. Furthermore, with such strong stances on pro-…
There is rarely any legitimate reason to text and drive. The vast majority of the texts I receive and send are not life or death situations that require my immediate attention, but when I answer that text, I put myself in a life or death situation. I’m also failing in the responsibility that I and every other person takes up when they get behind the wheel, to drive to the best of my abilities in order to keep myself and those around me safe. It would hurt nothing if I was to simply ignore my phone for the duration of the trip, then answer any messages I’ve received. So by texting while driving, I’m putting at risk the lives of all around me, plus my own, all so that can have conversation that could…
Five seconds may not mean a great deal or seem like significant amount of time to be concern about; however, a driver spending just five seconds to read a text message while driving can mean more than what most drivers anticipated. It can mean a person’s life. Sarah Rogers was only 8 years old when driving in a car with her mom. On a four-way stop sign a car crashed into their car hitting the mother’s side at 60mph. James Trolley was the driver who crashed into them and because he decided to text and drive, Sarah will live the rest of her life without the presence of her mother again. Sixteen-year-old Kayla Preuss died of head injuries when she lost control of her car and slammed into the center median. Seventeen-year-old…
Texting while driving has become as dangerous to driver and passenger safety as are people…
Opportunity is the all important word that dominates carjacking more than it does most other street crimes, because the targets of such offenses are uniquely mobile. A car will present itself, and is gone in a matter of seconds, so there can be no room for hesitation. (pg 308, p3)…