Nothing Wrong with Teen Parenthood
Teen pregnancy, since 1990 is on the decline, however is this a good thing or a bad thing? There are plenty of arguments for whether teen pregnancy is a pro or a con. I am here to state why it is a pro. Though most people think that many teen pregnancies are the result of a poor upbringing there is a survey by the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy that finds that teen parents represent every socioeconomic and demographic category: 41% of U.S. teen parents come from homes at or above 200% of the federal poverty line, and 70% were raised in two-parent homes. Being a teen father there are many ways in which being a teen parent is not the end of the world. Unplanned teen pregnancy is beneficial, although it has its downsides, because it can make relating to the child as they grow easier, teen parents are able to work the necessary hours that go with starting and supporting a family, and can keep up with the energy of a young child. When it comes to relating to the child it makes it easier when as a teen parent you can still relate to society. When researching this information, I traveled to speak with a local group of teen parents. After interviewing many of the young parents, one seemed to catch my ear. When asked why teen parents can relate better with their kids than adults do, Carmen Prado said, “I think it is because we just finished being kids. We gave up our childhood the moment we [Carmen & her husband] decided to have the baby. Therefore we know the ins and outs of childhood.” What is expected of you as a teen parent in society varies greatly from what may be expected from someone who has a child as a “normal” age. Though I could not find anything to support this, in my personal experience as well as so many of my friends being teen parents as
well those kids are more likely to talk to you when you are younger. So many times my mother will tell me, “wow I wish that you would have talked to me that way when you were her age.” That referring to the way my daughter talks about her friends and what is bothering her. I feel that I have a better relationship with her and understand more of the problems that her age group gives her. Though I feel that this is a positive there have been plenty of times where a teen parent lacks the maturity to deal with problems of young children. Things like boy/girlfriends I still find pose problems in everyday conversation. Relating to your kids at any age is a priceless thing that I would never give up on.
Being a teen parent can also be a little easier in dealing with the struggles of supporting a family. With so much being asked of you to provide at such a young age this makes it less physically demanding. Having to work long hours to provide or even having to work more than one job is very taxing on the body. Being a teen and dealing with this allows your body to recover much faster and be able to perform at a higher level with less rest. While a teen parent is young, it does make it easier to try and set up a career. Yes you have so much responsibility to get your life together, you also have time. You can work and go to school while still getting the rest needed. You can take your time to really think about what makes you happy and in what career you would want to get involved in. This being said the financial side of being a teen parent is difficult. You may be able to work long hours and help your kids physically. You trying to support them and even get a job at a young age that can do all these things are a task in its self. You may find one that is great but the hours aren’t or vice versa. So being able to work to support your family is something that can go either way with the edge going to the teen parent.
Having kids is a very tough task. Whether you are a teen or an adult, keeping up with them is hard to do. Being a teen parent could help to develop a child’s athletic ability. So many times when I had my daughter and I was helping her practice I often thought to myself, how I would be able to keep up if I were older. Yes adults can do this as well, but with the durability of a teen parent the edge of this debate obviously would have to go to the teen. The energy level needed to keep up with kids should be a measureable thing. Getting up in the middle of the night then running after them all day long is exhausting. Parents now a days have been known to take caffeine pills or drinks just to keep up. A teen on the other hand being younger has the natural ability to keep up. They may have the energy for this but they may lack the time management that an adult may possess. While I used to run all over after my kids I lacked the motivation to give the same to my job and schoolwork. Those that were more important to the “adult” things in life like work and being career oriented often lacked. Yes my kids loved me being around I hurt my chances in advancing sometimes.
Though there are downsides to being a teen parent, the benefits definitely outweigh them. In a study done of 247 girls about the advantages and disadvantages of having a teen pregnancy:
“It is particularly noteworthy that participants were able to generate more disadvantages than advantages. Disadvantage themes were almost always emphasized by larger percentages of the sample than advantage themes. Advantage themes were often unrealistic and sounded as though participants were striving to support their decisions to keep the pregnancy. Alternatively, society provides far more negative messages regarding adolescent pregnancy, thus making disadvantages more salient to these teenagers. They may not be used to thinking about what is positive or good (ie, an advantage) about their pregnancy.”
¬¬¬¬¬ Pediatrics Vol. 118 No. 2 August 1, 2006 pp. 503 -510
After reading this you may think that I am against teen parenting, however I am most interested in the last line. It is very true. There is so much negativity towards being a teen parent that that is all we see in society. It never shows that there can be some positives to being a like me, a teen parent. It is a learning process from which I grow every day. Being a teen parent can help with relating to your child on a school and personal level. By being young, struggling to work long hours and sometimes balancing school can be easier to deal with. By having the energy to keep up with the running after and with young kids are all ways in which teen pregnancy is tough, it has its benefits and can be very beneficial.
Docksai, R. (2010). The Truth about Teenaged Parents. Futurist, 44(2), 14.
Faber (2013 February) Pros and Cons of Teenage Parenting.
Pediatrics Vol. 118 No. 2 August 1, 2006 pp. 503 -510
Teen Pregnancy Drops. (2004). District Administration, 40(4), 15
References: Docksai, R. (2010). The Truth about Teenaged Parents. Futurist, 44(2), 14. Faber (2013 February) Pros and Cons of Teenage Parenting. Pediatrics Vol. 118 No. 2 August 1, 2006 pp. 503 -510 Teen Pregnancy Drops. (2004). District Administration, 40(4), 15
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