Project outline.
Research paper.
Teen Pregnancy
While many teens that engage in pre-marital sex never become pregnant, some are not as fortunate. * Teen pregnancy has become all too common in this day and age. Some
teens think it will not happen to them and do not use necessary precaution to protect
against it. There are several causes for teen pregnancy and the effects can be life
Several causes for teen pregnancy are: the need for affection, acceptance, and unprotected sex. * One may have a poor home life and look for affection from a peer. The simple
desire too feel loved self-esteem and simply be looking for acceptance in the bedroom.
However, many teens that have a wonderful, affectionate family and are very confidante
are merely looking for the few minutes of pleasure and avoid using protection. As
several teens use the excuse that sex feels better with out a condom, and unwanted
pregnancy is likely to happen.
One major effect of teen pregnancy is that the child may be raised by a single Parent. * While most girls are looking for love and acceptance in sex, many guys are
Looking for the mere pleasue and are not planning in becoming a teen father.
Nearly thirteen percent of all births in the United States were teenage girls from the ages fifteen to nineteen. Almost one million teenagers become pregnant each year and about 485,00 give birth. * In many situations the answer to keeping a relationship going is to have a good sex life. Most teen relationships are based on sex. This is one of the main reasons why teenage birth are so high.
The babies just as well as the teenage mothers, may face long term problems from the pregnancy.
* These problems include school failure, poverty, and mental or physical
Illness. In many situations the babies that are born to teenage moms may feel like they
Are being ordered to take position as mother.
* There are a number of things that must fall into place in order to have a baby
The creation a human being requires the right environment, the right factors, the right
Timing, and a great deal of luck.
Americans take a great pride in their leadership among nations.
* Such a Distinction becomes embarrassing however when the title is claimed for the
highest Teenage pregnancy rate of any developed nation with nearly one million
pregnancies each year * Adolescent childbearing has become a prominent social issue because of the broad social, personal and economic consequences. Babies born to teen mothers are at increased risk of developing physical, social , and cognitive problems and deficiencies.
The only way to avoid 100 percent the chance of teen pregnancy is through abstinence.
I am a good person to make a case for this topic because I have witnessed from a family
member how difficult it is to be a teenager and also have to raise and support a child. This issue
shouldn’t only matter to us teens but our parents as well. Parents if your teens have questions about sex don’t assume they’re doing it and teens if your parents aren’t talking about sex don’t think they don’t care. We can prevent teen pregnancy.
Book: Andrew L. Cherry, Mary E Dillon, Douglas Rugh. “Teenage Pregnancy: A Global View”
News article: Sing Tao, “Rate of U.S Teenage Pregnancy on the Rise” Los Angeles, Feb 27,2008.
Cited: Book: Andrew L. Cherry, Mary E Dillon, Douglas Rugh. “Teenage Pregnancy: A Global View” News article: Sing Tao, “Rate of U.S Teenage Pregnancy on the Rise” Los Angeles, Feb 27,2008. Website:
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