ISSN-L: 2223-9553, ISSN: 2223-9944 Vol. 3, No. 2, September 2012
Salmi A. Sudan* Institute of Education, IIUM, MALAYSIA. Nik A. Hisham Institute of Education, IIUM, MALAYSIA. Siraje S. Abdallah Institute of Education, IIUM, MALAYSIA. Nik Suryani N. Abd. Rahman Institute of Education, IIUM, MALAYSIA.
Premarital sex behaviors among adolescents or adults are subjected to the ethos of religious rules. Any form of sex outside marriage including adultery, homosexuality, rape, child sex abuse, lesbianism, prostitution, infidelity, and etc, is a criminal offence and subsequently prohibited in Islam. The objective of this research is to examine the position of Islam on premarital sex behaviors. The significance of the research lies on the fact that it studies the Islamic preventive measures on premarital sex particularly on teenagers. It is illegal and forbidden in the shari‘ah; the general will of God which is revealed for the betterment of all mankind and for the protection of the progeny, family institution and the health of the individual. The methodology adopted in this research is library based analytical and evaluative methods. The data of this research is collected from reliable sources including the Qur’an and the hadith of the Prophet as well as other authentic sources. After various studies on the subject we now know that there are a range of factors that lead to premarital sex. These factors constitute; psychological factors, physical and social environment, sex orientations during the period of adolescence and puberty, global trend and economic status. Keywords: premarital sex behaviors, teenagers, Islam, religion, adultery, Teen Sex
INTRODUCTION To begin with one should argue that, religion be it Islam or other Godly and human beliefs advocate marriage and condemns premarital sex including adultery and other forms of sexual
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