It is a story that may not be too pleasant, but one that is repeated all too often: teenage pregnancy.
Some 16.5 million Filipinos belong to the 15-24 year old age group. We are forced with a glaring truth that at a very young age, a lot of young people today have children of their own. 30 % of all births belong to this age group; and by the age of 20, 25% of the youth are already mothers.
Statistics show that every year at least 64,000 teenagers have abortions, and those are statistics from a country where abortion is illegal, yet we claim we are Catholics, who are preserving and valuing life.
We might say that the pregnancy of these teenagers is just the mere result of the gratification of sexual urges. Yes we might say that. That pregnancy would not occur if studies had been prioritized instead of the relationship of the opposite sex. That if there were no premarital sex (PMS), there would be no pregnancy. On one simple glance, we would judge these teenagers guilty. Period.
As a whole, the situation is grim for pregnant teenage girls ands their babies. Forced with few options with nowhere to turn to, many girls find various ways to get rid of the fetus. In a few cases, some simply disguise their bellies and hide their pregnancy from everyone, and deal with the baby only at the time of birth.
Bibliography: Buban, Charles E., “Tackling Teenage Pregnancy with Anime-Inspired Comics.” Philippine Star. August 8, 2008 Cruz, Josephine, et. Al., Sex and the Single Adolescent. Experiencing Powerful English: SIBS Publishing House, INC., 2002, pp.119-120 Singson, Rebecca E., “The Lowdown on Teen Pregnancies.” Philippine Star. July 1,2008, September 26, 2008, July 11, 2006