Good Day! We are first year students of DMSF Pre- Dentistry; we are conducting a survey about teen relationships for our English Research/Term paper. As a requirement for the ending of classes. We would like to get your opinion or point of view in this regarding topic. Kindly answer these following questions truthfully for the success of our research. THANK YOU!
• What is your reason for entering a relationship?
For fun Curiosity Following the Trend Other (specify):
• Is it okay with your parents?
Yes No Maybe
• Are you ready to face any circumstances in having a relationship?
Yes No Maybe
• Do think you are in the proper age to have a relationship?
Yes No Maybe
• Is it okay to have a relationship even though you are still a teenager?
Yes No Maybe
• What comes to your mind when we talk or think about a relationship?
• In entering this relationship is it serious or just for fun?
• In having a relationship how it will affect your daily life especially to your studies?
• What are some advantages/disadvantage you will get for having a relationship
Why do you want a girlfriend or a boyfriend? As a teenager what is the purpose of having a relationship? And having a commitment with someone of the opposite sex? Where is the relationship going? Many questions come to our mind about the teenage relationship and those questions obviously are one of them. But still they will end up with the question. Why do teenage want a romantic relationship at a young age? Is it because your peers are starting to have relationships and therefore you feel pressured to have one as well, in order to fit in or it is because you are really ready for a relationship. As a teenager, any romantic relationship you get into will most likely be a casual one because you are probably not at the right age where you are thinking of marriage and ideally the whole point of dating or having a boyfriend or a girlfriend is to see whether they are the kind of person you might end up marrying.
The teenager is a uniquely human phenomenon.
Adolescents are known to be moody, insecure, argumentative, angst-ridden, impulsive, impressionable, reckless and rebellious. Teenagers are also characterized by odd sleeping patterns, awkward growth spurts, bullying, acne and snobbish behavior. So what could be the possible benefit of the teenage phase?
Most other animals - apes and human ancestors included - skip that stage altogether, developing rapidly from infancy to full adulthood. Humans, in contrast, have a very puzzling four-year gap between sexual maturity and prime reproductive age. Anthropologists disagree on when the teenage phase first evolved, but pinpointing that date could help define its purpose. There are a variety of current explanations for the existence of teenagers. Some believe that we need longer for our large brains to develop. Other explanations suggest that a teenage phase allows kids to learn about complex social behavior and other difficult skills, or that it is even required to develop coordinated bipedal bodies adapted to travelling long distances. Scientists once thought that the brain's internal structure was fixed at the end of childhood, and teenage behavior was blamed on raging hormones and a lack of experience. Then researchers discovered that the brain undergoes significant changes during adolescence.
According to many recent studies, teen brains really are unique (see interactive graphic). Though many brain areas mature during childhood, others mature later - such as the frontal and parietal lobes, responsible for planning and self-control.
Other studies have shown that teens fail to see the consequences of their actions, and that sudden increases in nerve connectivity in teen brains may make it difficult for teenagers to read social situations and other people's emotions.
Statement of the Problem: The purpose of this study is to know the behavior of the teenage that can make them drawn in this kind of relationship, why do they want to experience this relationship even though they are not in the proper age, how this usually started, and what are those reasons and purposes behind them.
Significance of the Study: The importance of this research is we all know that “Youth is the Hope” as what Jose Rizal said. So as a Filipino youth citizen our concern is to give attention to the behavior of teenager for getting involved of that kind of relationship.
Scope and Limitation: The study limits only to the teenage relationship, what comes to the teenager’s mind when we talk about romantic relationship, and also is this already legal for teenager to have a relationship even though they do not know what are those certain circumstances that they will be face for entering this relationship.
Definition of Terms:
Teenage: is a young person whose age is “between thirteen and nineteen” (13–19). They are called teenagers because their age number ends in "teen".
Relationship: an intimate relationship is an interpersonal relationship that involves physical or emotional intimacy. Physical intimacy is characterized by romantic or passionate sex and attachment, or sexual activity. The term is also sometimes used euphemistically for a sexual relationship.
Peers: people who are equal in such respects as age, education or social class etc.
Main Body:
During the teenage years, the youth does not have a firm understanding of the role of dating. To teenagers, dating only consists of someone they feel attached to; spend time with, and/or a personified experiments. The teens may have curiosity in the emotions and tasks involved in a "relationship". The lack of understanding of what a true relationship consists of is why the teenagers these days are so distorted. Dating's purpose is to first step into marriage...that is its sole purpose. Teenager does not, and should not be thinking about marriage. This is why the teens develop a pointless definition of a relationship, because too few times do these meaningless relationship lead to anything other than sexual curiosity.
I – In a broken family state A. Seeking for the love’ that cannot provide by their family. 1. They tend to find love to someone who understands and cares for them. 2. They want to have a person to talk to when they are upset and down. 3. They find a person who can give companion anytime.
II- Teenagers Curiosity A. Teenagers do some experiments about what and how they feel. 1. Teenagers find answers by their own. 2. Teenagers do what they wanted to do without thinking for the result. 3. Instead of asking questions, they wanted to have an experience regarding those things.
III- Lack of parental supervision A. Teens are not properly monitored by their parents. 1. Teenagers don’t have guidance with their parents. 2. They usually ask advice from their friends and not to their parents. 3. In teenager’s mind they thought that they already handle their lives without the prevision of the parents.
B. Lack of self confident and self-steam when they are with their parents. 1. They usually don’t have enough time between their parents. 2. They are engage in a broken family state. 3. They do not open-up with their parents for them to be guide.
Therefore we concluded that out of 25 teenagers who had been surveyed, most of them said they are not sure if they are ready to enter a romantic relationship. The results also showed that, most of them think a relationship is all about love and commitment. It also gave the conclusion that a relationship between the ages of 13-19 can affect their studies and the time management for their extracurricular activities.
Adams, R.E, Laursen, B., & Wilder, D. (2001). Characteristics of closeness in adolescent romantic relationships. Journal of Adolescence, 24, 353-363. Connolly, J., & McIsaac, C. (2009). Adolescents’ explanations for romantic dissolutions: A developmental perspective. Journal of Adolescence, 32(5), 1209-1223. Sorensen, S. (2007). Adolescent romantic relationships. ACT for Youth Centre of Excellence Research Facts and Findings. Retrieved June 30, 2012, from
Teenage Relationship: Why do teen want a romantic relationship?
Sherry Marie L. Billedo
Ma. Francesca Louise M. Ruperto
English 2
Instructor: Ms. Dayenne Therese Sepaco
March 26, 2013
Table of Contents
Statement of the Problem
Significance of the Study
Scope and Limitation
Definition of Terms
Main Body
Result of the Survey:
No. of Respondent: 25 persons
No. of Paper: 26pcs