“Happy people making happy soap”
Lush Marketing Plan
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Situation Analysis
Lush Products and Services:
Creators of Lush have been working together to craft their handmade cosmetics since the 1970’s, but not under the name Lush. Luckily in 1994 the company was able to recreate itself and reopened its doors as Lush Inc. Their headquarters are in Poole,
England where they really changed the bathing world by introducing the public to new bath products such as Bath Bombs, Shampoo Bars and Massage Bars. Lush offers organic hair care, shower care, skin care and body fragrances. 1 The company was an instant success in England and now they have over 600 stores in 43 different countries.
Lush believes in “happy people making happy soap.”
Industry Analysis:
Lush Inc. is a privately held company based in Poole, England. The company manufactures and has a market of personal health care products and gifts. There is no industry yet for organic cosmetics, which Lush ultimately falls into, however, Lush advertises itself as a cosmetic company. Thus Lush falls into the industry of cosmetic, perfume, or beauty supply stores that primarily engage in retailing cosmetics, perfumes, toiletries, and personal grooming products. 2 In 2002, there were 10,786 cosmetic, beauty supplies and perfume stores in the United States.3 Also in 2002, the cosmetic industry
Marketline, “Lush Limited,” Marketline, http://0www.marketlineinfo.com.library.simmons.edu/library/iProduct_product.aspx?R=245B70
E6-7273-4999-B1D9-20D8B0C6BC2A&s=IDA0MYO (accessed October 13, 2010)
U.S. Census Bureau, “NAICS 44612: Cosmetics, Beauty Supplies, and Perfume
Stores,” U.S. Census Bureau. http://www.census.gov/epcd/ec97/def/44612.HTM
(accessed October 13, 2010)
Bobby E. Russell, “Health and Personal Care Stores: 2002” U.S. Census Bureau http://www.census.gov/prod/ec02/ec0244i06.pdf (accessed October 13, 2010)
Lush Marketing Plan