This man, tall, dark, familiar, and yet he has lived a lifetime before me. Teera Garcia is my best friend and confidant. The man I’ve gone to for everything: happiness, sadness, tragedy, all things related to the human condition, I’ve shared with him. However, he is nineteen years older than me and just as this isn't his first rodeo, I am not his first wife. The defining lines on his face tell a tale of which I’ve never experienced for myself. Teera has felt all those things before and suffered a loss so desperate and unthinkable. His tragedy happened just over a decade before we met. Teera, my husband, had a wife. This woman named Amber Sunshine, died in a car accident on a vacation to Las Vegas. The pang of her loss affected Teera indefinitely and on many different levels, propelling him on a desperate and vehement passage to self- discovery.
Teera remembers the first time he ever laid eyes on his treasured wife, his face radiates with warmth, hinting at his admiration. As he noticed her across the room, he suffered a prophetic vision of a wedding. It was him at the altar with her, dressed in white- his wife (the call to adventure)! He felt the tickle of goosebumps rise on his skin as the surreal vision took hold of him. It would then become fate that they married (Cross the …show more content…
If at first he thought nothing was wrong, it had all changed as he hung up the phone. Teera’s heart sank as heavy as the Titanic in the northern Atlantic (simile). Immediately they took off like a gun for the hospital, fearing the worst, yet hoping for the best (simile). Doctors surrounded both of them and led them into a room in the back where it was quiet. The smell of sick people and medical equipment burned into Teera's memory and his fears became even more real and