Sr. No. | Topic | Page No | 1 | Introduction | 6 | 2 | Objectives of Study | 20 | 3 | Scope of Study | 21 | 4 | Limitations of Study | 22 | 5 | Research Methodology | 23 | 6 | Data Analysis | 25 | 7 | Findings | 26 | 8 | Suggestions | 55 | 9 | Conclusion | 56 | 10 | Bibliography | 57 | 11 | Annexure A-Questionnaire | 58 |
1.1 Customer Satisfaction:
According to Philip Kotler, “satisfaction is a person’s feelings of pressure or disappointment resulting from product’s perceived performance (outcome) in relation to his or her expectations. Customer satisfaction is the level of a person’s felt state resulting from comparing a product’s perceived performance (outcome) in relation to the person’s expectations”.
This satisfaction level is a function of difference between perceived performance and expectations. If the product’s performance, exceed expectation the customer highly satisfied or delighted. If the performance matches the expectations the customer is satisfied. If the products performance fall shorts of expectations the customer is dissatisfied.
1 Many companies are aiming for high satisfaction because customers who are just satisfied still find it easy to switch when a better offer comes along. High satisfaction or delight creates an emotional affinity with brand.
2 Variety of factors that affect customer satisfaction includes product quality, product availability and after sales support such as warranties and services. Customer satisfaction is seen as a proof of delivering a quality product or service. It is believed that customer satisfaction brings sales growth, and market share. A company can always increase customer satisfaction by lowering its price or increasing its services but this may result in lower profits. Thus the purpose of marketing is to generate customer value profitability.
3 India is on the threshold of a new millennium. India chose for global economy, exposing her to