(1) High quality at low rates.
(2) Access to advanced services in all States.
(3) Access in rural and high cost areas at comparable prices to other areas.
(4) Supported by "equitable and nondiscriminatory contributions" by "all providers of telecommunications services."
(5) Specific and predictable mechanisms to raise the required funds.
(6) Access to advanced telecommunications services for schools, health care, and libraries. (Economides, 1998) The Act was made to form a highly competitive and consumer friendly market. The way this is accomplished is by mandating interconnection of telecommunication networks. This means that big companies are required to lease parts of their network to smaller providers at low wholesale rates. In doing so the door is left wide open for competition. Competition in long distance has been a great success. ***The market share of AT&T fell from 85% to 53% at the end of 1996. The reason for this is that smaller companies were now able to provide the exact same services. ***the Act requires that competition be established in local markets before the incumbent local exchange carriers are allowed in long