Telecommunications Evolution Timeline
The term “telecommunications” was adopted by the Convention Internationale des Telecommunications held in Madrid in 1932. According to King (2003) “At this point, the telegraph, the telephone, and the radio were the only widely used telecommunications media” (p.65). Forms of media included under the umbrella of “telecommunications” has dramatically expanded since the early twentieth century.
The Telegraph was the first practical means of electronic communication. Samuel Morse developed and revolutionized long distance communication with the invention of Morse code in the early 1830s and 1840s. Electric signals were transmitted over a wire laid between stations. The code was assigned a set of dots and dashes to represent each letter of the alphabet. Morse sent his first telegraph message in 1844 from Washington D.C to Baltimore Maryland.
The telephone system that has evolved into today 's multi-faceted telecommunications system began when Alexander Graham Bell invented the first telephone in 1876 (Barr, 2012). After the telephone, Bell invented the photo phone which would allow sound to be transmitted on a beam of light which today’s laser and fiber optic communication systems are founded.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Because of the need for a better way of determining who got to use what radio bands and for what purposes, The FCC was established by the Communications Act of 1934. The FCC was created as a direct successor to the Federal Radio Commission whose job it was to provide legislative oversight to the radio industry. Although the FCC changed many characteristics of the FRC, the same goal of reducing interference remained.
Early Networks
In the 1960’s, the US Government reached out to computer vendors to develop some software and hardware so that its computers could communicate with each other and share information between agencies. In 1969,
References: Barr, J.E. (2012). The evolution of US Telephone Service. Hospitality Management, (), . Retrieved from King, W.E. (2003). Telecommunications. Dictionary of American History. , (), 65-67. Retrieved from