Table Of Contents
Introduction 3
Uses of Telematics 4
Telematics Industry Impact 5
Technology Trends 5
Global Telematics Industry Status 7
Worldwide Telematics Market Summary 9
Global Telematics Market Scenario: 2010 11
Current Outlook and Future Trends 12
Regional Telematics Differences 16
Major Developments in Telematics 25 Functionality - Now and In-Future 26
Telematics is an emerging industry that offers location-based voice and data communication tools. In other words, telematics provides "smart" information, tailored to where customers are and to what they are doing, providing enhanced security, navigation, and convenience to mobile consumers and providing real-time data to automakers on how their products are performing.
Telematics is an up-and-coming market of automotive communications technology that combines wireless voice and data to provide location-specific security, information, productivity, and in-vehicle entertainment services to drivers and their passengers. Telematics refers to the convergence of wireless systems, global positioning, and onboard automotive electronics. The vision of the industry is to enhance driver and passenger safety, productivity, and security through communication, information, and convenience services. Telematics systems provide interaction between the vehicle and an outside service provider. It is a powerful new tool in CRM (Customer Relationship Management). Whether it's a case of roadside assistance, directions, emergency help, or information about the nearest ATM, intense brand loyalty is created when a customer can access information right from his vehicle.
Telematics is the combination of telecommunications and computing, but the most common meaning is information services delivered via a communications network. Automotive telematics is the wireless exchange or delivery of communication, information and other content