In Figure below you can find an ownership structure of TeliaSonera in Eurasia, including percentage of ownership of Kcell directly and indirectly. In Kazakhstan TeliaSonera operates through Kcell mobile operator, for more details please refer to further discussion below.
Figure: Eurasia structure of TeliaSonera
Kcell overview
Kcell is a largest provider of mobile services in Kazakhstan in terms of market share and revenues. It was registered in 1998 as a limited liability partnership (LLP) and was the first company to provide cellular …show more content…
Additionally the TeliaSonera was obliged by the Government to sell 25 percent of the shares minus one share in Kcell in an Initial Public Offering (IPO). As result of the IPO the Kcell shares was purchased by the Kazakhstani companies – Central Securities Depositary JSC and Grantum Accumulative Pension Fund JSC in the amount of 23.31% and 1.14% respectively (amounts are as of 31 December 2014). According to the analyst from Nordea Bank AB, the price TeliaSonera paid was about 4.6 to 4.7 times the unit’s 2011 projected EBITDA. Peers in the emerging markets were trading at about 5.5 times