There were three studies in total conducted. Two studies were known as PAL-I and PAL-II, which referred to personality, anxiety, and life event stressors. The third study was focused on causes of restraints, which was known throughout the study as CORD. The study was conducted to examine the connection of possible determinants and correlates of DSH. Participants in each study were outpatients, which is a patient who receives medical treatment …show more content…
PAL-II was the only assessment that personality was studied under. The personality study was done through the use of temperament and character inventory. Temperament inventory refers to the manner of thinking, behaving, or reacting characteristic of a specific person. This is our automatic emotion response. There are four temperament dimensions, which are novelty seeking, harm avoidance, reward dependence, and persistence. Character inventory refers to self-concepts and individual differences in goals and values. This is our socio-cultural learning. There are three character dimensions which are self-directiveness, cooperativeness, and self-transcendence. Based on the study there was no group difference when it came to the two. In the PAL-II study, current suicidal ideation and high ‘acting out’ scores were the two predictors, which generated an overall score of