Temple Grandin is an HBO film directed by Mick Johnson and debuted on February 6, 2010 with the four major casts: Claire Danes as Temple Grandin; Julia Ormond as Eustacia Grandin and Temple’s mother; Catherine O’Hara as Aunt Ann, Temple’s Aunt and sister of Eustacia Grandin; and David Straithairn as Dr. Carlock, Temple’s boarding school science teacher and mentor whose efforts shared an heartwarming film and gave a new perspective for autism. Temple Grandin is an autistic woman with an amazing visual skills and she created new innovations on how to handle the animals in a humane way in the cattle ranches and slaughterhouses before they are placed for meat butchering. Temple is not like other people. She thinks with pictures and she connects them in her head. This is how she sees her environment. Going down the plane, she reacted how warm the place is and said it’s hot and she can see the heat literally. Temple asked her Aunt Ann and said, “Do people live here?” Like any ordinary person. No person can see the heat unlike for Temple’s visual description. A person can only feel the warm feeling but for Temple, she can see it vividly like pictures in her head. While Temple was telling a story to her Aunt Ann and repeats the same statement, “Would you like me to open the gate”. She observed the ranch where her Aunt Ann and Uncle Mike’s lives. They reached the front gate and her Aunt Ann asked her to open the gate. She was amazed to see different animals in her Aunt Ann’s ranch. While she was closing the gate, she was thinking already in her head how she can make calculations, designs and innovations for a new gate. She was introduced to her Uncle Mike and to a working ranch handler. To Temple’s mind, he sees the guy as a cowboy. As part of her learning, she was reminded of her manners. Temple has no eye contact with the people whom she is introduced. She showed quite an attitude about unfamiliarity like when she was unsure if the room
Temple Grandin is an HBO film directed by Mick Johnson and debuted on February 6, 2010 with the four major casts: Claire Danes as Temple Grandin; Julia Ormond as Eustacia Grandin and Temple’s mother; Catherine O’Hara as Aunt Ann, Temple’s Aunt and sister of Eustacia Grandin; and David Straithairn as Dr. Carlock, Temple’s boarding school science teacher and mentor whose efforts shared an heartwarming film and gave a new perspective for autism. Temple Grandin is an autistic woman with an amazing visual skills and she created new innovations on how to handle the animals in a humane way in the cattle ranches and slaughterhouses before they are placed for meat butchering. Temple is not like other people. She thinks with pictures and she connects them in her head. This is how she sees her environment. Going down the plane, she reacted how warm the place is and said it’s hot and she can see the heat literally. Temple asked her Aunt Ann and said, “Do people live here?” Like any ordinary person. No person can see the heat unlike for Temple’s visual description. A person can only feel the warm feeling but for Temple, she can see it vividly like pictures in her head. While Temple was telling a story to her Aunt Ann and repeats the same statement, “Would you like me to open the gate”. She observed the ranch where her Aunt Ann and Uncle Mike’s lives. They reached the front gate and her Aunt Ann asked her to open the gate. She was amazed to see different animals in her Aunt Ann’s ranch. While she was closing the gate, she was thinking already in her head how she can make calculations, designs and innovations for a new gate. She was introduced to her Uncle Mike and to a working ranch handler. To Temple’s mind, he sees the guy as a cowboy. As part of her learning, she was reminded of her manners. Temple has no eye contact with the people whom she is introduced. She showed quite an attitude about unfamiliarity like when she was unsure if the room