For the footsteps left by Corliss I will do anything and everything I can to expand my knowledge in law much like she did with her love for poetry. She did a quite noble thing when she decided to travel to a city hours away to find a poet who seemed to be made up. I am not sure I will ever need to go to those extreme measures but with the almost limitless internet access I have been blessed with in this technology era, I plan to spend hour upon hours researching new and old cases alike to strengthen my knowledge of every aspect of the law. I want to know the law like I know the rules of baseball, I want to be able to recite any case like I can recite the lyrics to the popular songs of today. Corliss is quite the inspiration for me to be able to accomplish these goals. Along with her inspiring me to go out and find as much information as possible I am also inspired by her commitment to poetry despite all of the criticism she receives from her family. I am in a bit of a different situation, everyone in my life is fully supportive of my major, but I still admire how she stayed proud and I am going to remember that if I am ever in a situation where I can choose between studying, going out and all of the people at home supporting me and how much it would hurt them and myself if I let them
For the footsteps left by Corliss I will do anything and everything I can to expand my knowledge in law much like she did with her love for poetry. She did a quite noble thing when she decided to travel to a city hours away to find a poet who seemed to be made up. I am not sure I will ever need to go to those extreme measures but with the almost limitless internet access I have been blessed with in this technology era, I plan to spend hour upon hours researching new and old cases alike to strengthen my knowledge of every aspect of the law. I want to know the law like I know the rules of baseball, I want to be able to recite any case like I can recite the lyrics to the popular songs of today. Corliss is quite the inspiration for me to be able to accomplish these goals. Along with her inspiring me to go out and find as much information as possible I am also inspired by her commitment to poetry despite all of the criticism she receives from her family. I am in a bit of a different situation, everyone in my life is fully supportive of my major, but I still admire how she stayed proud and I am going to remember that if I am ever in a situation where I can choose between studying, going out and all of the people at home supporting me and how much it would hurt them and myself if I let them