What is evaluation?
Evaluation is about making critical judgements and coming to reasoned conclusions on the basis of the evidence that you have in front of you and the wider knowledge you can bring to a question.
Strong evaluative answers use supporting evidence to justify an argument. Justifying an argument carries more marks than making the argument since stating an argument is often a relatively simple task.
Examples of command words in a question that require or invite evaluation
The command words within a question that definitely require evaluation include the following:
Evaluate – e.g. compare a number of possible views about an economic problem or an issue and come to a reasoned conclusion about which view holds most weight
E.g. evaluate the performance of the Bank of England in maintaining macroeconomic stability in recent years
Assess - analyse an economic issue and then weigh up the relative importance of different strands
E.g. assess the possible effects of a rise in the external value of the pound against the currencies of our major trading partners
Do you think – a question that invites a personal response to a question but where the highest marks are awarded for good analysis backed up with reasoned argument and supporting evidence.
E.g. do you think that a national system of road pricing should be introduced for Britain’s motorway network?
Discuss – a question that prompts you to provide and then compare a range of possible views about an issue or a problem.
E.g. discuss the advantages and disadvantages of introducing a national minimum wage into the UK labour market
Criticise analyse the problems facing UK manufacturing industry in today’ global economy
To what extent – again a question that invites quite a broad analysis and discussion and in particular a judgement on the relative importance of something or the relative