There are nine pairs of tender points throughout the body, or 18 in total. The American College of Rheumetology suggests that patients with pain at 11 or more of these points may suffer from fibromyalgia.
Front and Back of the Neck
Moving from the top to the bottom of the body, there are four tender points on the neck. At the back of the neck, you may experience …show more content…
Fibromyalgia tender points differ from pain associated with arthritis, in that the pain is not situated in a joint, but in the surrounding …show more content…
However, the distinctive location of these tender points can help your doctor determine whether your pain is caused by fibromyalgia. In the lower back, the tender points are located at the very base of the back, on either side of the spine, just above the buttocks. The tender points in the hips are also lower than you might think. These manifest as pain in the area where the muscles of the buttocks curve inward to meet the upper thighs.
Elbows and Knees
Fibromyalgia patients often experience pain near bony protrusions like the elbows and knees. The elbow tender points tend to be a bit below the crease of each elbow, along the forearm, toward the outer part of the arm. Knee pain is usually felt in the inside of each knee pad, rather than in the knee joint itself.
It is important to remember that pain in these areas may have a number of causes. If you are experiencing pain, talk to your doctor. He or she will evaluate your pain, examine additional symptoms, and may conduct additional tests to reach the right diagnosis and establish a treatment plan that's right for