For me, I do see tennis as a lifelong sport that I will always like to play. I have enjoyed playing tennis since the age of 11 when my father took me out to my neighborhood court and taught me to play. Ever since then I decided that tennis would be my sport of choice. Tennis is a sport that only requires one other person to play, it is fairly easy to play for fun, and tennis requires you to use your entire body and stay in shape. Those are my reasons for keeping tennis as a lifelong sport.…
Even before she was born, her parents envisioned their daughters as champions. Her dad taught himself and his wife how to play tennis so they could teach their daughters how to play. At age 4 and a half, Serena Williams entered her first tournament. Her father says that over the next five years she won 46 of the next 94 tournaments she entered. In Southern California, both Serena, and her older sister Venus, were ranked number one in their age groups, and they did really well in the really competitive preteen circuit. Before they turned teenagers, they had received attention way past just their home state. All in all, Serena Williams is clearly a very athletic…
We always are competing against each other. The sport brings enjoyment in our life and it relaxes you. It relieves the stress you been under. It is great watching the game. Almost want you to think you in that game. Also you have an icon that you can watch and wear their clothing that been manufactured. It brings back childhood memories and you can act yourself. As players you can anticipate the thrill in competing against each other. You can show your team mates your strengths and ambition. You can show your fans that you have the knowledge in playing the game. Your fans support you as a player. That gives you a rush that you are worthy. When it comes to a business you can bet on the game and have a…
My mother started playing it at 13 because she has bronchitis and could no longer swim at the level that she hoped too. So, she dedicated herself to playing tennis and eventually became top 200 in the world. My father on the other hand started playing at around the same age but he never became as good as her. In fact, when they met is when my father improved drastically because he had my mother as a coach. After he started to win is when he became a major tennis fanatic and when I say major, I mean wake everyone up at 2 in the morning to watch tennis matches. So when my parents got married and had their first kid and then three years later, they had me. Naturally, they tried to get my brother to start playing tennis at a very young age but he just wasn't feeling it and as much as it hurt my dad, they just kept putting him into different sports. But then he turned 7 and my father took him with this lady that was teaching at the courts he was playing at and that was the start of my brothers career. Since my big brother started playing then its just normal that I did too. At age four I picked up my racquet and little did I know how much that racquet would change my life. I don't really remember much of my early tennis days so I'm going to fast forward three years. By the time I was seven I was ready to start playing tennis tournaments but my coach, Ms. Janan, wouldn't let me until I got…
As a matter of fact, someone’s success is all of his/her accomplishments and rewards. Mostly rings, championships, and trophies are what everyone looks forward to in their future. Trophies are a really good way to show that I have success. Having accomplished my last job, I will get paid for my success and work I had to put into it. None the less, accomplishments and success are the best thing ever.…
Tennis is a highly competitive sport with participation in over 200 countries throughout the world. It is a non-contact racquet sport which requires aspects such as strength, power, speed, coordination and agility. Like any sport, tennis places specific demands on the body which can predispose any player to injury. These demands placed on the body result in injuries specific to the game. It is said by Pluim et al (2006) that although many injuries that occur in tennis are common in other sports, tennis has its own unique profile of injuries. (1) Injuries such as lateral ankle sprains, calf strains, lower back pain, tennis toe, shoulder impingement, lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow), ulnar collateral ligament tears and wrist strains are all…
Enclosed within a 27’ X 78’ tennis court it was the final point of the match. As I shuffled and pivoted to the right with both my arms gripping my racket at shoulder height; I took a deep breath as I approached the tennis ball and made my move. I pondered how my nerves synapsed with my tendons and ligaments in my arms and feet to produce a forehand, while monitoring my heart beat and regulating metabolic demand, an intrigue with the workings of this familiar, yet mysterious body. It was a matter of seconds, and the ball landed exactly on the boundary of the singles’ court. Game, set, and match! Ten years of practice has taught me every point be played like my life depends on it and these experiences led me to my passion and my future: medicine…
Growing up, I was never naturally athletic and very injury prone. Regardless of these issues, I always remained determined and strived to accomplish my goals. As I enter high school one of my main goals was to make the varsity tennis team. During my freshmen year I practiced every day for the first 3 months of school hoping that I could just make the team. Unfortunately I tore a ligament in my wrist for the second time which prevented me from practicing till right before the tennis season started. I ended barely making the JV team which was very disappointing, but it only motivated me for next year. In my heart I knew that I if I was determined enough I could play varsity next year on my own merit. As I progressed through the sophomore year,…
The same aggression to improve that I put into rising in ranks academically, I also put into my new sport of choice; tennis. From very early on, I have been determined to improve as a player and have thrown myself at any opportunity to do so. This drive has helped me transition from the bottom of varsity to the top-ranked male player and team captain for both my junior and senior years.…
I also play tennis. I started playing tennis my senior year of high school. I don’t play for college or any local teams, but I play with my friends very frequently.…
Success is not a straight line from the bottom up. It is not even close. It is a line that bends, goes straight up then straight back down, loops around, zig-zagging, U-turns. My life has been a rat’s nest of failures and successes. From game winning grand slams and complete blowouts. One of the most defining things of my life was being cut from the the MRHS baseball team.…
No doubt people, especially children have played a sport somehow or another like T-Ball. Commonly these young athletes will loss that award later in life and will not bat an eye about it. As Merryman said “it’s ok to lose”. The first step of success requires an attempt. People need to know it will not always come the very first attempt. Athletes and students alike have to understand failure is a key to learning and growing. According to Merryman, “It can take a long time to get good at something.” Even olympians have to work toward success.…
I was first introduced to the sport when I was only two tennis racquets tall. My parents had picked up the sport recreationally and to began to play more and more often. Consequently, I spent an extensive amount of time at the country club either watching them, pretending to be a ball-boy at the US Open, or playing with Hot Wheels. During the lengthy, sizzling summers typical of southwest Georgia I would swim at the pool and mess around on the tennis court with my 24-inch racquet playing games like Jail and Simon Says. After a few years I…
Being in sport gives you multiple skills needed for life.You lose games you win games but all of those experiences you learn from learn better sportsmanship and even build better friendships.…
“Tennis is lonely. There is nowhere to hide when things go wrong. No dugout, no sideline, no neutral corner. It’s just you out there naked” (57). This quote may mean nothing to people who don’t play tennis, but for tennis players, it defines the way it feels on the tennis court. “It's no accident, I think, that tennis uses the language of life. Advantage, service, fault, break, love, the basic elements of tennis are those of everyday existence, because every match is a life in miniature. Even the structure of tennis, the way the pieces fit inside one another like Russian nesting dolls, mimics the structure of our days. Points become games become sets become tournaments, and it's all so tightly connected that any point can become the turning point. It reminds me of the way seconds become minutes become hours, and any hour can be our finest. Or darkest. It's our choice.” This is one of Andre’s most meaningful quotes from the book. Almost everyone who reads the quote, can learn a lot about life. Andre may be writing about tennis, but there are so countless universal themes that apply to…