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A Project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Arts in Human Resource Management & Labour Relations

Center for Human Resource Management & Labour Relations
School of Management and Labour Studies
Tata Institute of Social Sciences

I, Siddharth Shah, hereby declare that this dissertation entitled ‘Content Analysis: Evaluation of the concept and process of attaining self-actualization in the Bhagvad Gita Way’ is the outcome of my own study undertaken under the guidance of Mr. Abhishek Kumar, Assistant Professor, Centre for Human Resources and Labour Relations, School of Management and Labour Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai. It has not previously formed the basis for the award of any degree, diploma, or certificate of this Institute or of any other institute or university. I have duly acknowledged all the sources used by me in the preparation of this dissertation.

27/2/2014 Siddharth Shah

This is to certify that the dissertation entitled Content Analysis: Evaluation of the concept and process of attaining self-actualization in the Bhagvad Gita Way’ is the record of the original work done by Siddharth Shah under my guidance and supervision. The results of the research presented in this dissertation/thesis have not previously formed the basis for the award of any degree, diploma, or certificate of this Institute or any other institute or university.

[27/2/2014] ( ) [Abhishek Kumar] [Assistant Professor]
[Centre for Human

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