I. Causes of Plagiarism
A. Students not taught about plagiarism
B. Students provided reading material too hard for them
C. Students not taught note taking skills
II. Consequences of Committing Plagiarism
A. Law Suit
B. Fines or Jail Sentences
C. Ruined Reputation
D. Failed Assignment or Course
E. Course Failure or Suspension from College.
III. The cure of plagiarism
A. Instruct about its wrongfulness
B. Select material of appropriate reading level
C. Teach proper note taking skills
1. Paraphrasing
2. Précis Writing
3. Summary Writing
4. Documentation
A. There are several causes of plagiarism.
1. Students have not been taught about plagiarism.
2. Students are provided with reading material which is too hard for them.
3. Students have not been taught specific note taking skills.
B. There are several possible consequences for those who commit plagiarism.
1. Plagiarism in published material can result in a lawsuit.
2. Those found guilty of plagiarism may face fines or jail sentences.
3. Those found guilty of plagiarism have a serious mark against their reputation and character.
4. Plagiarism in school can result in a failed assignment or course.
5. Plagiarism in college can result in course failure and even suspension from college.
III. There are several ways plagiarism can be cured.
A. Plagiarism may be cured or avoided by giving students direct instruction about the nature and problem of plagiarism with an explanation of why it is wrong.
B. Students would be helped to avoid plagiarism by teaching them to seek information from sources of a suitable reading level.
C. Plagiarism may be avoided by teaching students proper note taking skills.
1. Teach students paraphrasing skills.
2. Teach students précis writing skills.
3. Teach