The term “identity crisis” was coined by Erik Erikson an American Psychologist. According to him, identity crisis refers to the failure of establishing one’s identity or ego identity, this ego identity means the sense of individuality or the uniqueness of one’s self and the sense of familiarity of where one’s going. This, identity crisis occur during adolescence stage, and that adolescence that do not have a strong sense of self or identity exhibit role confusion and may encounter problems throughout early adulthood. Role Confusion can lead to a very different human experience. It causes the individual to seriously question one’s personality characteristics, one’s view of oneself. (Sokol, 2009). As attested by Erik Erikson, the very important developmental stage that adolescents go through is forming or establishing one’s identity. To him, this is the essential task of an adolescent and may question one’s self like “Who am I”, “Where am I heading” and “How will I fit in this society”. Yet, answering these question may lead to “identity crisis” since adolescence stage or the adolescents themselves are still exploring or experimenting there possible roles and finding out how will they fit in this society. And what’s painful of failing to establish one’s identity, they may become depressed and will lack of self-confidence as they grow older. Children in the age group of 12 to 17 years are in the stage of growing on various parameters. As they grow physically, they are growing psychologically. In puts onto knowledge, learning, perceptions, experience, interactions and other cognitive processes are also increasing. They try to relate themselves to things, people, places, and events around them (Balajiwale & Kochagaon, 2013). Thus, from this point of information it can really manifest that every human being may experience a great doubt regarding with his or her meaning and purpose of their existence, that, it will lead to a sense of loss and confusion.
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