Course No: EMIS-514/513
Course Title: Organization Behavior
Semester: summer 2010
Submitted To: Prof. Dr. Abdul Mannan Chowdury
Professor, Department of MIS
Submitted by: M. M. Sharifuzzaman Id No: 60917-10-011
I express a deep sense of gratitude to my honorable Course teacher Prof. M. A. Mannan Chowdhury for his valuable lectures, teaching approach and guidelines on Organizational Behavior which have guided me all over this course. I use departmental library to get recourses about this subject, which have direct me through easy way to prepare this paper. Some of my course mates have encouraged and suggested me how to prepare the term paper, special thanks to them.
Table of content
Name of Chapter Page No
1. Introduction to Organizational Behavior 1
2. Motivational Needs and Processes 4
3. Positive Organizational Behavior 6
4. Managing Performance through Job Design and Goal Setting 8
5. Groups and Teams 10
6. Leadership Process and Styles, Activities and Skills 12
7. Conclusion 14
Chapter 1: Introduction to Organizational Behavior
Organizational Behavior:
The term organizational Behavior consists of two words, a. organization, b. behavior which gives the idea that the behavior is performed in organization is organizational Behavior. Behavior can be showed as the following a function of organism and Environment.
B = f (O, E)
Behavior = f (organism, Environment)
Organizational Behavior can be defined as the understanding, predicting, and management of human behavior in organizations.
The relationship of Organizational Behavior to other discipline:
There are four closely related discipline in an organization those are a. Organizational Theory (OT), b. Organizational Behavior (OB), c. Organizational Development (OD), and d. Human Resource Management (HRM)