A research paper presented to class of
Miss Mideliza M. Castillo
Lipa Adventist Academy
In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the project
English, IV – Jade
Jan Nelferson C. de Guzman
Joseph Alleine P. Fuentes
January 2013
Table of Contents
Chapter II - Definition and History 4
Chapter III – Location of Pyramids6 A. Mesopotamia B. Egypt C. Greece6 D. Sudan E. Nigeria7 F. Spain G. China H. Mesoamerica I. North America8 J. Roman Empire K. Medieval Europe L. India9 M. Indonesia10
Chapter IV – What Pyramid is Made Of11
Chapter V – Pyramid Powers13
Chapter VI – Spiritual Implication22
Chapter VII - Conclusion23
Chapter 1
My partner and I had a fast agreement on this topic. We talked in the library while browsing some magazine until we thought of this. You see, when you look for a topic for a term paper first you’ll be considering things that are historical, interesting and wide-spread, which exactly describes pyramids.
Pyramids are some of the most famous manmade objects in the world, and they have been famous since ancient times. When we hear of pyramids, we think of Egypt, but we need to remember that there are pyramids all over the world; even our 1, 268 Chocolate Hills is considered as a group of pyramids. Nevertheless, our research will not entirely be engaged on the historical facts of the pyramids, itself having been known as tombs of pharaohs long time ago, instead, we decided also to research what change or effect a pyramid can have towards humans, animals, plants and probably even food. Our hypothesis is that the pyramidal effect will be positive.
Chapter II
A pyramid (from Greek: πυραμίς pyramis) is a structure whose shape is roughly that of a pyramid in the geometric sense; that is, its outer surfaces are triangular and
Bibliography: Internet Patricia Blackwell Gary and Richard Talcott, "Stargazing in Ancient Egypt," Astronomy, pp. 62–67., <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyramid> June 2006 Fagan, Garrett. "Archaeological Fantasies." RoutledgeFalmer. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyramid> 2006 Dr. Patrick Flanagan. 1973. The Secret Power of Pyramids, /Bill Schul and Ed Pettit http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/piramides/esp_piramide_18.htm Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder. “Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain.” <http://www.pyramid-cafe.in/Power.html> 1970. < http://www.writingservicescompany.com/free-term-papers/ancient-egyptians.html> <http://www.iempowerself.com/84_pyramid_power.html> < http://www.thefreedictionary.com> Acknowledgements We thank everyone who supported us in the making of this project: our teacher, Ms. Mideliza Castillo, who gave us the insights in making this project making it an addition to our knowledge, our parents, who are ever-supportive, financially and sympathetically, and most importantly, our great, loving, God; without Him, this project would not be possible.