Sea Dogs-roving English ships that plundered Spanish treasure ships (1560s)
St. Augustine–fort Spain created in Florida 1565 to protect the route of its treasure fleet against English ships, French settlers, hostile Indians (1st permanent Euro. settlement in US)
Comprehensive Orders for New Discoveries-new policy Spanish leaders introduced after military setbacks to pacify Indians by Christianizing missionaries not conquistadores (1573)
Ecomenderos-privelaged spanish landowners in NM, who were allowed by the Franciscans to utilize the goods and forced labor of Indians and their land
Popé-an Indian shaman, who killed and drove away Spaniards (destroying Spanish churches etc) with his followers in 1680
Samuel de Champlain-founder of the fur-trading post Quebec (1608), first permanent French colony). Colony did badly until 1662 when it was turned to royal colony
Robert de La Salle-fur trader who in 1681 traveled down the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico to found Louisiana (and ultimately New Orleans). Traveled so far from Great Lakes/New France region to get rive by taking advantage of of remote Indians who did not know value of their furs
Henry Hudson-An English mariner sent by Dutch merchants in 1609 to find a navigable route to East Indies/riches. Explored rivers of the NE (esp. Hudson River) and found plentiful furs
Fort Orange-Dutch merchants founded this fur-trading post (now Albany) in 1614 after following H. Hudson's exploration to trade for furs with the Iroquois
West India Company-chartered by Dutch government in 1621 and set up New Netherland colony and New Amsterdam (Manhattan) as capital, brining in farmers/artisans to make sustainable. Later acted independently, ignoring New Netherland to profit in other colonies
Governor Peter Stuyvesant-governor of New Amsterdam who ruled in authoritarian way by alienating colony's diverse residents and ignoring representation demands.
Anglo-Dutch War-series of wars fought