Consequently, everything that brought the minds to courts to rule by law right or wrong was in front of everyone. Men in power had all power to freely look to the truths about the scriptures to prove if the Christians were really the ones at fault. Basically, Tertullian saying Jesus had already proved his point about the heresy within the Jews that the Gentiles are up a step …show more content…
(Kerr, pg.22) Justin ministered I quote, " honor and cherish the truth alone".( Kerr;Justin Martyr, pg.18) Justin's usage of the sword by saying, one can dispel ignorance by putting truth against it".(Kerr; Justin Martyr,pg.19) Moreover both witness's spoke strongly against the judgement of the Christians, and that the heresy was within the court. These men spoke the truth and their witness was rejected by the courts as well as Christ before. The law shut Christ down again, and prophesied as these men were aware that death was lurking them and their witness was heard and prophesied as Christ told