Table of Contents I. Introduction 2 a. Summary of E-business in the hypermarket Industry 2 b. Objectives and scope of the report 2
II. Body 3 a. Background of Tesco 3 b. Purpose of Tesco’s E-business Strategy 4 c. Benefits gained by Tesco with its strategy 5 d. Identify and Criticise ( Study Case sample ) 6 e. Tesco’s business strategy with its implementation and the needs/demands in online shopping 9
III. Recommendations 10
IV. Conclusion 11
V. References & Bibliografy 12
I. Introduction a. Summary of E-business in the hypermarket Industry
E-business is a term used to describe businesses run on the Internet or using Internet technologies to improve the productivity or profitability of a company. In a more general sense, the term can be used to describe any form of electronic commerce that is any company that uses computers. This usage is a bit archaic, however, and in most contexts e-business refers exclusively to Internet businesses.
The most common application of e-business as a supplement or in some cases primary, storefront. Selling products and services online, an e-business is able to reach a much larger customer base than any traditional brick and mortar store could ever hope for. This feature of e-business is considered the commerce, and the terms are sometimes used interchangeably.
E-businesses are using the Internet to do business. Online business to engage in advertising, buying and selling products and services. Due to increased competitiveness of hypermarket. a hybrid supermarket / shop - adoption of e-business has helped the company gain a competitive edge on their peers in terms of reducing costs, increasing revenue sources and increased customer satisfaction.
b. Objectives and scope of the report
This paper is to analyze the strategies Tesco for e-commerce. Explain, identify and criticize their e-commerce and make recommendations
References: & Bibliografy * * * * * * Butter, M and Richmond, C (2006), The E-commerce Advantages, Prentice hall: New York * Bayles, D (2006), Building the Business-to-Business web, Prentice hall, New Jersey * Principles of Information System, 8th Edition"; Ralph Stane, et al.; 2008 * Chaffey, D. and Wood, S. (2005), Business Information Management. improving performance Using Information System, Harlow, Financial Times, Prentice Hall