I even had to write check list. with the names of the characters just to keep me engaged and on track to understand what is going to happen next.
The no obvious reason for the draft, it makes you wonder what kind of crime a person deserves this unhuman end. No deserve to die in such a way. that’s what makes the story blot opaque toward the end, I think as a reader the thirst for explanation feeds the speculation to a variety of contradicted answers. based on imagination of what's might be, rather than what really happened. …show more content…
since all the people have a previous knowledge, of what about to happen that day, it shows pre-determined act of murder. even the little boys are excited and ready with pile of stones, to do what been told to do, no one from all the villagers questioned the lottery, instead they cracked jokes and whispered, waiting for the draft to happen, they smiled rather than laughed, as gesture of accepting the result of the draft, before killing they carried their social affairs as if they are in any normal social or public