Thids is just a test to see how this works Thids is just a test to see how this works
Thids is just a test to see how this works Thids is just a test to see how this works system runs on a broad range of computers, including mainframes,minicomputers, microcomputers and personal computers. In additional to thissystem the company distributes products to interface with its databasesystem, including financial reporting applications, manufacturingmanagement, computer aided systems engineering, computer networkcommunications and office automation. Their maintenance, consulting,training and systems integration services to support the product are offeredexclusively by Oracle Corp. Their strong performance over the years can beattributed to their successes in R&D and their committed sales force. Theyhelped to network a number of computers as easily as one main computer. The sales force is mainly driven by commission hich causes employees towork hard to get the money for each sale. They aggressively seek outcustomers; they have even offered special “deals” to potential customers. They did have a small downturn in 1990 due to introduction of new serviceareas and premature product introduction; these “problems” left customerwith a bad taste in their mouths.2.The current CEO is Lawrence Joseph "Larry" Ellison and he has been the CEOthroughout the company’s history he was also a co-founder of the company.As of 2010 he is the sixth richest person in the world, with a personal wealthof $27 billion. Larry Ellison was born in New York City to Florence Spellman, a19-year-old unwed Jewish mother. At his mother's request, he was given tohis mother's aunt and uncle in Chicago to raise. Lillian Spellman Ellison andLouis Ellison adopted him when he was nine months old. Ellison graduatedfrom Eugene Field Elementary School on Chicago's north side in