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Ilab Wk 2 Review
Review Questions Name ______________ Answer the following questions: 1) What is a resource? A resource is something that can be used in order to complete tasks. People, outsourcing, facilities, equipment not readily available are a few examples of resources. 2) Why aren't resou
Premium587 Words3 Pages
Ilab Instructions
A. Lab # : BSBA BIS245A-7 B. Lab 7 of 7 : Database Navigation C. Lab Overview – Scenario / Summary: TCOs: 8. Given a database application containing forms, queries and reports, automate tasks and create a menu system which allows for efficient navigation and operation of the database’s functiona
Premium3300 Words14 Pages
Ilab Instructions
Lab 1 of 7: Introduction to MS Visio and MS Access Scenario/Summary: You have been asked to create two conceptual database models using MS Visio Database Model Diagram Template. The purpose of this lab is to have you gain familiarity with the various modeling tools needed to create a conce
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Bis245 Ilab
A. Lab # : BSBA BIS245A-1 B. Lab 1 of 7 : Introduction to MS Visio and MS Access C. Lab Overview--Scenario/Summary TCOs: 1. Given a business situation in which managers require information from a database, determine, analyze and classify that information so that reports can be designed to meet the r
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Cis247 Ilab 7 of 7 Putting It All Together
CIS247 iLab 7 of 7 Putting It All Together Click this link to get the tutorial: Week 7: Program Construction - iLab Print This Page iLab 7 of 7: Code Management and Modularity Connect to the iLab here.
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Cis 247c Ilab 4 of 7: Composition and Class Interfaces