Prof. Darling
December 11, 2012
Leading Change for the greater good
Having been anointed with the position to rule over the new government of Texas, I have developed three key issues that are in desperate need of reformation to better the standard of living and educate our civilians. Although Texas was a very self-sustaining with massive economy just in its self, we also received many funding grants to help cushion our day to day lives. Through my new ambitions to improve our states policies within our Education programs, Property Taxes, and the reform of legal and illegal drug usage; I believe we can achieve much higher standards of living throughout thousands of communities state wide.
Texas being in the bottom end …show more content…
Although the money is not wasted by the government, it could be distributed into our economy instead of paying off officials’ salaries. One may not owe any money to a bank for their property or still have 25 years on their property, no one can actually feel the satisfaction of owning their own property because if your property taxes are not paid in full; the government have all right by law (before me) to confiscate all land. By doing away with property taxes in full, I believe raising the sales tax to around 11% will bring a lot more money into the economy as well as bring the feeling of ownership into the household of hard-working Texans. As more money will be saved people will have more leisure to spend on more necessities as well as wants; in which funnels more money into the …show more content…
But blaming alcohol for the incidents are just a way of putting off self-correction. Uneducated people who put themselves in irrational situations are the people doing harm to themselves and other; where in almost every case of death alcohol was not forced down the throat of an individual. In Texas any person of age 17 or higher can go to criminal jail by law; not juvenile. So one can be of age 17 and be placed with 30 years old rapist and murderers, but not buy his own beer? Is this right? No, and due to these instances my new policies will lower the drinking age to 19, as for most this is the age right after graduating high school. As well as raise the age of criminal conviction to age 19 as well. In which means at age 18 you will still be tried as a juvenile case in the criminal justice system. Ones decisions made as a maturing adult should not impact there job opportunities for the rest of their life, being that it’s not a serious offense such as rape or