Maitighar, Kathmandu
Case study on Management Information System
Araniko Multi-purpose Co-operative Limited
Ankit Khanal[01]
Binod Bhattarai[02]
Anish Kumar Shrestha[21]
Amitabh Kumar Kushuwa[22]
Submitted to
Department of Computer Science
November, 2011
Case study on Management Information System
Araniko Multi-purpose Co-operative Limited
Ankit Khanal
Binod Bhattarai
Anish Kumar Shrestha
Amitabh Kumar Kushuwa
Rajan Karmacharya
A case study report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science (with Computer major).
Department of Computer Science
St. Xavier’s College
Kathmandu, Nepal
November, 2011
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Kathmandu, Nepal
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