Steve Kimbrough
May 10, 2006
1 What does the word vaim mean?
The word vaim has two meanings:
1. In Estonian, the word vaim means ghost (
See phrase code=5573701 for the pronunciation.
2. The word vaim is an acronym, abbreviating Value-Added Information Mash.
The two meanings are unrelated. It is permitted to pronounce both words in the Estonian fashion. 2 What is a mash?
From %28web application hybrid%29:
A mashup is a website or web application that seamlessly combines content from more than one source into an integrated experience.
The etymology of this term almost certainly derives from its similar use in pop music where DJ’s take the vocal track from one song and combine it with the instrumental track of another song resulting in an entirely new composition.
In the lingo, Web mashing results in a Web mash or mashup. See the Wikipedia article for examples and further information. Programmable Web (http://www.programmableweb. com/) is a Web site devoted to Web mashing.
3 What is an information mash?
The original (or at least an early) reference appeared in a blog by Ellen Miller of the Sunlight
Foundation ( on April 28, 2006. In her blog (http://www. she writes:
Information Mashing. Don’t you just love that term? It’s one of the ma jor goals of Sunlight and while we’ve been working on it for the past couple of months we have a ways to go before it happens in any substantial way. Our goal is simple: integrate in a user-friendly way individual data sets (like campaign contributions, lobbyists and government contracts) that makes the whole larger than the sum of its parts.
We’d like to create something we’ve dubbed an “Accountability Matrix.” A website where, with one click you can look
References: (2002), no. 3, 363–379. [DKP00] Garett O directed search of archives and col lections, Journal of the American Society for Information Science 51 (2000), no [GLF02] Michael Gordon, Robert K. Lindsay, and Weiguo Fan, Literature-based discovery on the World Wide Web, ACM Transactions on Internet Technology 2 (2002), plications: Text retrieval, extraction and categorization, John Benjamins Pub- lishing Company, Amsterdam, The Netherlands and Philadelphia, USA, 2002 knowledge, Psychological Review 104 (1997), no. 2, 211–240. 5 New York, NY, 2005. $Id: vaim-faqs.tex,v 1.6 2006/05/10 21:45:07 sok Exp $