The viewer is engaged by the spark burning because of the intensity of the scene. The background is all black and text that appears and fades away in in white writing. Facts quickly come and go behind the fuse burning and as time goes on the fuse slowly burns and when the bomb goes off the whole screen turns white and letters appear in black that say, “Cell phones and driving don’t mix ever.” This visual keeps the viewer alarmed for the whole commercial and by comparing a phone to a bomb waiting to go off the producers are able to show that the use of phones while driving is just as dangerous as an …show more content…
This commercial sets a very suspenseful tone from beginning to end. The fuse burns slowly and the screen on the phone says, “INCOMING CALL,” this message makes the viewer think that someone is going to answer the call and risk their life. The facts in the background make the viewer see the extent of danger behind using your phone while driving. Pathos makes the viewer feel that texting and driving is a serious problem and that it needs to be stopped. The quote, “It injures 416,000 people each year,” uses pathos and logos. This quote supports the effectiveness of this ad because it shows the consequences of texting and driving. The viewer feels bad for the people killed in these accidents. Many crashes from drivers under the influence involve children and this evokes sadness from the viewer. Also, statistics support that hundreds of thousands of people are severely injured from drunk driving every