I. Question
A. Be honest how many of you have talked on your cell phone while driving?
1. I’m pretty sure all of you have.
2. I know I am defiantly guilty of this.
B. We all know texting and driving is illegal right?
1. Talking on the phone and driving is just fine.
2. There’s no law in Virginia against this
3. even in states that do have laws about this, you still can use wireless devices.
4. So no one really thinks that talking on the phone while driving is dangerous. C. But why not? II. Today I want to talk to you about the risk you take every time you go to answer your phone or go to dial someone, while you are driving. I want to persuade you to leave …show more content…
I’m going to start you off with a quote from Janet Froetscher, president and CEO of the National Safety Council.
A. “We know that cell phone use is a very risky distraction and texting is even higher risk. We now know that cell phone use causes many more crashes than texting. The main reason is that millions more drivers use cell phones than text. That is why we need to address both texting and cell phone use on our roads.”
II. According to the National Safety Council 1.6 million accidents a year are caused by cell phone use.
A. Of those 1.6 million, 1.4 million are caused by people just simply talking on their cell phones.
B. This means 1 out of every 4 accidents are caused by the use of your cell phone while driving.
III. You probably are wondering how is this with all the technology we have, all the hands-free devices, Why is there still so many …show more content…
I know you are probably thinking right now that I’m a good driver or I only use it when I need to, and you think this will not happen to you.
A. Well picture something with me really fast.
1. You’re driving down the road and you hear your phone going off.
2. You reach over in the seat beside you, still keeping your eyes on the road, but it’s not there.
3. It fell into the floorboard.
4. You see the light up ahead is green and no cars are in front of you just a tractor trailer truck in the other lain, so you decide to grab it really fast.
5. You look down, grab your phone and look back up.
6. But it’s too late.
7. While you were looking down that light turned to red and the tractor trailer truck from the other lain is in front of you now stopped.
8. There’s no time to react or even time to scream.
9. Just like that you ran into the back of it.
10. And because that phone call was so important, you just gave up your life for it.
B. Does that sound worth it to you, because it doesn’t to me.
V. I’m not trying to scare you; I just simple don’t want something like this to happen to you.
VI. So next time you get in your car and you phone rings please don’t just think twice about not answering it, don’t answer it at