At the beginning of the article it talks about how they had college students who are in committed relationships take a survey. The survey was about their texting …show more content…
Even through research may say this is true I think this false because all college students in relationships do not like texting all the time. Like me for instance my boyfriend and I usually communicate through facetime because we both have Iphones. But I have seen other couples call each other on the phone or if they can they communicate face to face. But the relationships I have seen are called secure attachment relationships according to the article. Which mean both partners now they will not be breaking up at any point in time.
Another point this article talked about was sexting. The article says Sexting Is not common anymore. Research shown that Sexting Is most common now with teenagers in the age group between 13–19 and the article says 31% of young adults have sent or posted sexual pictures or posted them on a social media. I feel like this research is true because research shown that when males and females fist hit puberty their hormones are at their highest. Also people who are getting the sexual pictures, are likely to send them out to