Magic Beach
Magic Beach is a beautifully illustrated picture book with fun, imaginative text that young children can easily follow. The pictures are clear and give children a vivid idea of what is happening in the story. The rhyming flow of the text makes the book fun to read while the children are enjoying the captivating images which stimulates their imaginations ("'Magic Beach' by Alison Lester", 2018).
Picture books are defined by the joining of images and text to form a unique whole with the illustrations being as important as the text in expressing their meaning an experience (Kiefer, Tyson & Huck, 2014).
Magic Beach uses general language that is gender inclusive, it does not word or lean towards boys or girls, rather it uses both in its pictures, showing that everyone can enjoy the magic beach. …show more content…
Illustrations help with pre-reading and independent reading skills, creating higher level critical thinking with this book in particular, helping to educate young children well before they get to the independent reading stage giving them great standing in the pre-reading standing before moving on (Kiefer, Tyson & Huck, 2014).
If teachers are not fully trained or aware of the need to draw children’s attention to the details in the illustrations, they can become too focused on the wording and therefore be missing out on the multimodal aspect that will in turn aid in deeper learning for the children involved (Nicholas, 2007). Likewise, if the illustrations are not of quality and express correctly what the text is trying to convey then children are not going to fully understand what is trying to be