After reading through the comments, I understand why the grammatical errors interfere with comprehension of the essay. For example, my thesis was missing words and punctuations, which caused confusion. For my next analytical essay, I want to score an eight or a nine on both syntax and mechanics. In order to reach this goal, I plan to spend more time editing and reviewing my work before I submit. I will also read my essay out loud a few times rather than read it silently. Reading my essay out loud will help me find the grammatical errors that I missed while reading it in my mind. In general, I believe that I should have spent more time on the essay as a whole, rather than trying to finish it as quickly as
After reading through the comments, I understand why the grammatical errors interfere with comprehension of the essay. For example, my thesis was missing words and punctuations, which caused confusion. For my next analytical essay, I want to score an eight or a nine on both syntax and mechanics. In order to reach this goal, I plan to spend more time editing and reviewing my work before I submit. I will also read my essay out loud a few times rather than read it silently. Reading my essay out loud will help me find the grammatical errors that I missed while reading it in my mind. In general, I believe that I should have spent more time on the essay as a whole, rather than trying to finish it as quickly as