On the other hand, African American allies encouraged black legislators for their own political gain. Thaddeus Stevens was a highly influential radical Republican member of the House and acted compassionately towards blacks. He demanded black suffrage, arguing that if rebel whites have the right to vote, so should loyal blacks. However, not all of his activism was out of sheer kindness, Stevens and other African American defenders had ulterior motives. Stevens claimed that granting blacks the right to vote meant that white Union men would no longer be a minority in the South, and wouldn’t be targets for the violent minority. Although this argument makes it seem like black franchise would help protect whites, Stevens’ goals is actually to give more people access to vote for his side. This is solidified in his next argument, where Stevens admits that black franchise would “insure the ascendancy of the Union Party” (22D1). He didn’t want the white rebels to have too much political power in the South, which is what would’ve happened if blacks weren’t allowed to vote. While African American defenders may have truly believed that blacks should take part in choosing their rulers, they undeniably wanted to use black votes to extend their
On the other hand, African American allies encouraged black legislators for their own political gain. Thaddeus Stevens was a highly influential radical Republican member of the House and acted compassionately towards blacks. He demanded black suffrage, arguing that if rebel whites have the right to vote, so should loyal blacks. However, not all of his activism was out of sheer kindness, Stevens and other African American defenders had ulterior motives. Stevens claimed that granting blacks the right to vote meant that white Union men would no longer be a minority in the South, and wouldn’t be targets for the violent minority. Although this argument makes it seem like black franchise would help protect whites, Stevens’ goals is actually to give more people access to vote for his side. This is solidified in his next argument, where Stevens admits that black franchise would “insure the ascendancy of the Union Party” (22D1). He didn’t want the white rebels to have too much political power in the South, which is what would’ve happened if blacks weren’t allowed to vote. While African American defenders may have truly believed that blacks should take part in choosing their rulers, they undeniably wanted to use black votes to extend their